March 8, 2018 Reminder to all students and staff. We are still collecting for the Ronald McDonald house Wish list. ATTENTION: All spring sport athletes, if you have not participated in a sport yet this year, all of your paperwork needs to be turned in to your coach prior to your first practice. Attn: All Middle School Students! Reminder that Friday, March 9th is our 2nd and Last Middle School Dance of the school year. High School students interesting in joining the golf team meet in Mr. Boquist room on Monday, March 12 during CATS. Students if you are interested in seeing a Broadway production of Les Miserables please pick up information in the High School office.

March 6, 2018 Reminder to all students and staff. We are still collecting for the Ronald McDonald house Wish list. ATTENTION: All spring sport athletes, if you have not participated in a sport yet this year, all of your paperwork needs to be turned in to your coach prior to your first practice. Attn: All Middle School Students! Reminder that Friday, March 9th is our 2nd and Last Middle School Dance of the school year. If you are interested in seeing a Broadway production of Les Miserables please pick up information in the High School office. All JV and Varsity Boys Basketball players, there will be a short meeting after school on Wednesday, March 7 in Mr. Komp's room to hand in equipment and discuss summer league participation. Please make every effort to be there.

Feb. 28, 2018 Reminder to all students and staff. We are still collecting for the Ronald McDonald house Wish list. Students interested in taking any AP Exams. You need to tell Mr. Nelson which exams you are taking by 3:00 on February 28th. A reminder to all High School track and field athletes: All paperwork must be turned in before the first day of practice. ATTENTION: All spring sport athletes, if you have not participated in a sport yet this year, all of your paperwork needs to be turned in to your coach prior to your first practice. There will be an informational meeting for all high school athletes interested in competing in baseball for the Wildcats this spring. The meeting is during CATS time on Wednesday February 28th.

March 1, 2018 Reminder to all students and staff. We are still collecting for the Ronald McDonald house Wish list. A reminder to all High School track and field athletes: All paperwork must be turned in before the first day of practice. ATTENTION: All spring sport athletes, if you have not participated in a sport yet this year, all of your paperwork needs to be turned in to your coach prior to your first practice. Middle school students who were in Art & Design first Quarter, can pick up there art work in the IMC.

Good Morning. Wild Rose Schools is running a two hour delay today due to westher conditions.

WildCats Win 76 - 53. Will play at home on Friday against Rosholt. Grest Job!

20 Min. until tip-off. Wild Rose vs. Wausau Newman Catholic in 1st Round of Regional Action. Go WildCats!

Congratulations to all middle and high school students that participated in Solo + Ensemble on Saturday at Almond-Bancroft. 1 event got a 3 scoring, 13 events got a 2 scoring, 12 events got a 1 scoring, and 5 events got a 1 star scoring. Good job to all! Juniors: please report to the cafeteria on Monday at 2:30 to finish your ACT pretest. Congratulations to the Wrestlers and their great accomplishments at State. Tanner finished 3rd at #132, Dillon finished 2nd at #170 and Andrew finished 3rd at #182. Awesome job!

Great Job Dillon! 2nd place at the WIAA State Wrestling Tournament. Amazing Job, your hard work and determination has been fantastic. Thank you for a great year!

Wish Dillon good luck as he competes for State Championship tonight. The match can be seen on Fox Sports Network WI. Good Luck!

Congratulations to Tanner (4-0) and Andrew (9-1) on their 3rd places finishes at the WIAA State Wrestling Meet. Thank you for your incredible hard work and determination! Great Job!

Congratulations to Tanner (7-0) and Andrew (9-3) on their victories this morning. Both will wrestle this afternoon for 3rd place. Go Warriors!

It was a good match for Andrew, but he came up just short at 4-0. Great job and good luck tomorrow morning Andrew!

Dillon wins in semifinal 4-3. Wrestles tomorrow night in Championship Match.

It was a good match for Tanner, but he came up just short at 14-8. Great job and good luck tomorrow morning Tanner!

Andrew wins in Quarterfinals 8-1. He will wrestle again tonight. Great Job!

Dillon wins in Quarterfinal 5-4. He will wrestle again tonight. Great Job!

Tanner wins 6-1 in Quarterfinal Match. Great Job!

Due to road conditions not improving Wild Rose Schools are closed today.

Wild Rose Sxhools are delayed two hours due to icy road conditions.