Jan 10, 2018: Attention staff and students: Wild Rose Teacher Team - "Relay for Life" Pizza orders are due Friday. If you are interested in ordering Pizzas please turn in your order form to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Friedel or Ms. Dohr. Reminder that today, Wednesday, all High School students interested in helping in the Spring Play with Set and tech should attend a short meeting after school in the auditorium.

Jan 9, 2018 Daily Announcements: Attention staff and students:
Wild Rose Teacher Team - "Relay for Life" Pizza orders are due Friday. If you are interested in ordering Pizzas please turn in your order form to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Friedel or Ms. Dohr. If you need an order form please see them for a sheet

Jan. 8 Daily Announcements: Wild Rose Teacher Team - "Relay for Life" Pizza orders are due Friday. If you are interested in ordering Pizzas please turn in your order form to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Friedel or Ms. Dohr. Wild Rose High School's Spring Play Cast and Crew is posted outside of the HS Office. Thank you to everyone who attended tryouts and auditions. Take time today to make someone else’s day. Say something nice, do something nice, or just simply be nice.

Jan 5, 2018 Daily Announcements: Congratulations to the High Quiz Bowl B-Team for their 238-30 victory over Manawa Yesterday. The teams head to Tri-County next week, before returning home to face Almond on January 17th.
Boys basketball players should be in the sports lobby by 4:10 this evening for the trip to Manawa.

Jan 4, 2018 Daily Announcements: Attention HS students: Auditions for the Spring play will be held in the auditorium after school today. All high school students are invited to attend and try out for this fun play. Set and tech crew are also encouraged to attend auditions.

Dec. 18, 2017: MS/HS school students. Please leave your backpacks in your locker during the day. 9th-12th graders please fill out the Post-Prom interest survey. Any 6-8th grader that is interested in participating in MS Wrestling this year, please see Mr. Murphy before the end of the day on Tuesday. Tryouts for spring play will be held after school Jan 3 and 4.

Dec 19,2017: MS/HS school students. Please leave your backpacks in your locker during the day. 9th-12th graders please fill out the Post-Prom interest survey. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader that is interested in participating in Middle School Wrestling this year, please see Mr. Murphy before the end of the day on Tuesday. Tryouts for spring play will be held after school January 3rd and 4th. Attention all Seniors -Senior portraits and baby picture(s) are due no later than FRIDAY, 12/22.

Dec 20, 2017: MS/HS school students. Please leave your backpacks in your locker during the day. 9th-12th graders please fill out the Post-Prom interest survey. Tryouts for spring play will be held after school January 3rd and 4th. Staff and Students. Attention all Seniors -Senior portraits and baby picture(s) are due no later than FRIDAY, 12/22.

Dec 21, 2017: MS/HS school students. Please leave your backpacks in your locker during the day. 9th-12th graders please fill out the Post-Prom interest survey. Tryouts for spring play will be held after school Jan. 3 & 4. Staff and Students. Attn all Seniors -Senior portraits and baby picture(s) are due no later than FRIDAY, 12/22.

Dec 22, 2017: 9th-12th graders please fill out the Post-Prom survey. Attn all 7th and 8th grade girls basketball players, just a reminder that practice begins Wed Jan 3. Tryouts for the Spring Play will be held after school Jan 3 & 4. Attn all Seniors-Senior portraits and baby picture(s) are due no later than FRIDAY, 12/22.

Jan 3, 2017 Daily Announcements: High Quiz Bowl Practice today during lunch. MS Band Members, please bring your Chromebooks to band class today. Attention HS: Auditions for the Spring play will be held after school Wed. & Thurs.

Dec. 15, 2017 Daily Announcements: The middle school winner of the canned food drive is Mr. Murphy and the high school winner is Mr. Boquist. The winner of the door decorating contest in the middle school is Mrs. Nelson and the winner in the high school is Mrs. Friedel. Thank you to all who participated. Your rewards will be coming next week!! Middle/High school students.
Please leave your backpacks in your locker during the day. This includes 8th hour and CATS time. If we need the buses to wait an extra minute we will. Thank you. Take time today to make someone else’s day. Say something nice, do something nice, or just simply be nice.

Dec. 14, 2017 Daily Announcements: Student of the month. Our theme for the month is December - Perseverance.
Perseverance is a skill you will need throughout your life! Never give up, work hard and make it happen!
6th Grade: Marisol Garcia
7th Grade: Cody Dalle Ave
8th Grade: Josie Worthen
High School: Anna Caswell and Lucas Koester
There will be a meeting for all High Quiz Bowl Team Members and Statisticians this Thursday during lunch in Mr. Yeska’s room. You will get a copy of the schedule and we will discuss practice times at this meeting.
Take time today to make someone else’s day. Say something nice, do something nice, or just simply be nice.

Dec. 12, 2017 MS/HS Daily Announcements:
There will be a meeting for any 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this season, on Tuesday December 12, during CATS in Mr. Yeska’s room. Sign up on Monday to attend.
Any boy who played 7th or 8th grade basketball, please see Mr. Komp by the end of the day.
Take time today to make someone else’s day. Say something nice, do something nice, or just simply be nice.

Dec. 11 MS/HS Daily Announcements: There will be a meeting for any 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this season, on Tuesday 12/12, during CATS in Mr. Yeska’s room. Sign up on Monday to attend.
Take time today to make someone else’s day. Say something nice, do something nice, or just simply be nice.

Dec. 7, 2017 Daily Announcements: Thursday is the last day to bring in non perishable foods and thank you to all who have participated thus far!
There will be a meeting for any 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this season, on Tuesday 12/12, during CATS in Mr. Yeska’s room. Sign up on Monday to attend.

Dec. 6, 2017 Daily Announcements: Attention Key Club members : There will be a meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Gerloff's room.
Here is an update on the Canned Food Drive points after Tuesday's collection:
In the middle school, Mr. Eichman and Mr. Komp are tied with 16 pts while Mrs. Miller has 9 pts. In the high school, Mrs. Nelson has 9 pts. Thursday is the last day to bring in non perishable foods and thank you to all who have participated thus far!
There will be a meeting for any 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this season, on Tuesday 12/12, during CATS in Mr. Yeska’s room. Sign up on Monday to attend.

Dec. 5 Daily Announcements: Attention all staff and students: The annual canned food drive has begun and will go through Thursday, December 7th. All donated items support the Waushara County Community Christmas Project.
High Quiz Bowl tryouts are this week. You MUST take all three tests to be considered for the team. If you have any questions talk with Mr. Yeska.
Spanish club will be meeting in Ms. Strasser’s room during lunch today.

Dec. 4 Daily Announcements:
Attention all staff and students: The annual canned food drive has begun and will go through Thursday, December 7th. All donated items support the Waushara County Community Christmas Project.
High Quiz Bowl try outs are this week. If you have any questions talk with Mr. Yeska.

December 1, 2017 Daily Announcements
The Menu has changed for Monday’s lunch, it will be changed to Orange Chicken.
Attention all staff and students: The annual canned food drive has begun and will go through December 7th. All donated items support the Waushara County Community Christmas Project.
High Quiz Bowl tryouts will be next week Tuesday and Thursday during Mr. Yeska’s CATS.
Congratulations to the 7th grade boys basketball team on their 29-26 Overtime win against Pittsville last night.